Linux Embedded LCD1602

LCD 1602 Character Driver

This is a simple character driver for the Raspberry Pi.
It allows users to write an PCM8574-driving-LCD1602 over an I2C module with echo commands.


1) Update the device tree as follows:

&i2c1  { 
   lcd1602 {
           compatible = "arrow,lcd1602";
           reg = <0x27>;             

2) Pull the git repo. Compile and copy the lcd1602DeviceDriver.ko to your Raspberry pi
3) Hook up the lcd1602 (power, gnd, scl and sca should map directly to pins on pi board).
4) insmod lcd1602DeviceDriver.ko
5) echo “Roger D. Pease\\Houston Aug 2020” > /dev/lcd160200

6) The screen should show (this is a sample from another implementation)